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Elisabeth Mann Borgese

EMB Lecture

EMB Book


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2024 Online Course:
Preparatory Materials - Module 1

Each lecture requires participants to undertake advance preparation in terms of reading one or two recommended papers or articles, watching a video and/or reflecting on questions. See below and click on the relevant lecture links for Module 1 (Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance). Equivalent details are available for Module 2, Module 3 and Module 4.


  • Session 1: Monday 18th March
  • Session 2: Thursday 21st March
  • Session 3: Monday 25th March
  • Session 4: Thursday 28th March

  • Session 5: Tuesday 2nd April
  • Session 6: Thursday 4th April

    1. Stefan Partelow, Maria Hadjimichael and Anna-Katharina Hornidge (eds,) Ocean Governance: Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses, MARE Publication Series (MARE, Volume 25), Springer, 2023.

    2. 2023 Report of the Secretary-General on Oceans and the Law of the Sea plus previous copies of this annual report, available in six languages on the DOALOS website.

    3. Text of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, available in six languages on the DOALOS website -- for reference, not reading all 202 pages!

    4. United Nations: UN Systems Chart, July 2023 (downloadable as pdf in all six official UN languages)

    5. Several chapters relating to ocean governance, law of the sea, high seas etc. can be found in The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development - Essays in Honour of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002). Commemorating the 100th anniversary of EMB's birth, this volume edited by IOI-Canada features contributions from over 80 specialists and practitioners in the field of ocean governance and is based on themes and issues covered in our annual training programme. To download essays for free via open access, go to Brill web page for the book and scroll down to explore the 10 different sections.

    6. Articles on the map projection of a single world ocean: The Spilhaus Projection: “The seven seas” become one ocean, and The Spilhaus World Ocean Map in a Square

    7. High Seas Alliance: Progress Map showing which countries have signed/ratified the High Seas Treaty. (Map is based on data taken from the UN Treaty Collection site.)

    8. Frazão Santos, C., Agardy, T., Crowder, L.B. et al. Key components of sustainable climate-smart ocean planning. npj Ocean Sustain 3, 10 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44183-024-00045-x

    9. IISD Earth Negotiations Bulletin with the option to sign up for e-mail updates including an SDG Update from their SDG Knowledge Hub. Some resources are available in other languagues.

    10. Videos on deep seabed mining


    Last updated: 18th September 2024