and Events
Mann Borgese
2024 Online Ocean Governance Course:
Study Options
This free online course is being offered for both live
and self-paced study, with a time commitment in each case of
approximately 30 hours plus required preparation for all 20 sessions
and a brief assignment at the end of each module.
Before making your choice and completing the application form, please
the following carefully for details of the format and
study options, and also check the Course Schedule.
If you still have questions, feel
to e-mail IOI-Canada
The 2024 course consists of 20 live sessions organised
thematically into four modules. The live 90-minute webinars are held
twice a week
and feature a moderated lecture and discussion period. These are
recorded and subsequently uploaded to the shared
course drive. Preparatory materials (e.g. readings, videos, study
questions) are assigned for each session and should be
reviewed in advance so that participants have the necessary background
information to benefit fully from the lectures. These materials will be
posted nearer the time, together with
optional extra resources for anyone wanting to dive deeper into the
topic. Each module also has a short assigment. A certificate will be
available for those who complete all the course
requirements, whether through live participation or self-paced study.
Study Option 1 - Live Participation:
Participants registering for the live sessions are expected to attend
all 20 webinars in real time. (Don't
forget to check the time difference for your country, as
10.00 a.m. Atlantic Daylight Time will be quite early/late in
some other time zones!) You will therefore need to be available
twice a week for ten weeks, be able to fit in the required
preparation and have reliable internet access. Discussion and debate
are important
aspects of these live webinars and class size will be capped to
facilitate meaningful interaction and peer-to-peer
learning. Note that if demand is high, priority will be given to
applicants who have not yet had a chance to attend any of our live
online course sessions. However, if space restrictions prevent
acceptance into the live option, applicants will automatically be
offered the chance of registering for the self-paced option instead.
Study Option 2 - Self-paced Study: All 20 live
sessions will be recorded and made available for those
choosing the self-paced option. This allows interested individuals to
progress through the lectures, preparatory materials and assignments in
their own time, fitting them around other commitments at work or home.
final lecture is scheduled for 23rd May but you will have until at
least the end of June to complete the course, with the possibility
of requesting an extension if needed. If feasible, there may also be
the option for self-paced participants to be e-connected with others on
the course interested in becoming informal "study partners".
This would provide an opportunity for those not in the live class to
with their
peers and share their thoughts or questions on the topics being