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Elisabeth Mann Borgese

EMB Lecture

EMB Book


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News and Events

  • 15th May 2025: Deadline for submission of student papers for the Ocean Yearbook 2025 Student Prize. Further information available on the OYB website.

  • 14th April - 29th May 2025: Online course on AN OCEAN IN CRISIS: KEY GOVERNANCE ISSUES. See the Training section of the website for details.

  • 31st March 2025: Deadline for submission of papers for Volume 40 of Ocean Yearbook. For details of the Call for Papers and the Authors' Guidelines, and for information on the current and past volumes, check the OYB website.

  • 4th February 2025: Webinar on The High Seas Treaty and Canada: The Path to Implementation, in partnership with Oceans North and West Coast Environmental Law. Check out the event overview for the agenda and speaker details.

  • 25th October 2024: Elisabeth Mann Borgese Ocean Lecture. In-person panel discussion on Small-Scale Fisheries: Food Security, Social Justice and Biodiversity, with reception to follow. Check the EMB Lecture section of this website for details.

  • 19th October 2024: Professional Development Day - The Ocean and Us in an Era of Climate Change, offered for Mount St Vincent University BEd students in collaboration with the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership and Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. For more information on this in-person event at Dalhousie University, contact michael.butler@dal.ca.

  • 7th - 11th October 2024: Workshop on Coastal and Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples held in person in Millbrook, Nova Scotia. See the Training section for information.

  • 23rd March 2024: Professional Development Day - The Ocean and Us in an Era of Climate Change, offered for local teachers in collaboration with the Bay of Fundy Ecosystem Partnership and Nova Scotia Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. For more information on this in-person event at Dalhousie University, contact michael.butler@dal.ca.

  • 18th March - 23rd May 2024: Online course on OCEAN GOVERNANCE AFTER COP 28: PROBLEMS, PROGRESS & PROSPECTS. See the Training section of our website for information.

  • 24th January 2024: Launch of the World Ocean Review (WOR) 8: The Ocean - A Climate Champion? initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, Patron & former President of IOI and Managing Director of maribus gGmbH. To download a free copy of this illustrated report and of previous issues, go to the WOR website (www.worldoceanreview.com/en).

  • 23rd - 27th October 2023: Workshop on Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples held in person in Halifax. See the Training section for details.

  • 28th September 2023: In-person EMB Lecture. Dr Anya Waite spoke on A FRAMEWORK FOR OCEAN-CLIMATE ACTION, with reception to follow. Check the EMB Lecture section of this website for recording.

  • 11th April - 1st June 2023: online course on Ocean Governance: SDG 14 and the UN Summit of the Future. See the Training section of our website for details.

  • 5th - 9th December 2022: Workshop on Ocean Governance for Indigenous Peoples. Interdisciplinary, in-person workshop planned for and with Indigenous Peoples. Check out the WORKSHOP VIDEO (7 mins) as well details in the Training section.

  • 19th May 2022: In-person EMB Lecture from RASHID SUMAILA on Canada’s Oceans and Coasts: Pathways to Sustainability in a Sea of Change. Also featured Tirza Meyer, Ratana Chuenpagdee, Megan Bailey, Robert Rangeley, Nancy Shackell. Check the EMB Lecture section of this website for further information and to watch the event recording.

  • 11th April - 2nd June 2022: online course on Ocean Governance in the UN Decade of Ocean Science: Key Issues and Challenges. Offered in a series of webinar-style sessions and also for self-paced learning. See the Training section for details.

  • March 2022: publication of Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the Law of the Sea by Tirza Meyer.

  • 2022 - year long: celebration of 50th anniversary of IOI's founding in Malta by Elisabeth Mann Borgese.

  • 4th October - 4th November 2021: online Alumni Continuing Professional Development Course on New Developments and Emerging Issues in Ocean Governance. A series of nine live sessions offered in collaboration with IOI-Southern Africa and aimed at alumni across the network. See the Training section for details.

  • 7th May - 29th June 2021: online course on Ocean Governance: Sustainable Development in the Decade of Ocean Science. Offered in a series of webinar-style sessions and also for self-paced learning. See the Training section for details.

  • 2021: Launch of the World Ocean Review (WOR) 7: The Ocean, Guarantor of Life – Sustainable Use, Effective Protection initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, Patron & former President of IOI and Managing Director of maribus gGmbH. To download a free copy of this illustrated report and of previous issues, go to the WOR website (www.worldoceanreview.com/en).

  • 16th November - 11th December 2020: Alumni Refresher Course on Ocean Governance: Issues of Immediate Concern. Offered online in a series of webinar-style sessions. See the Training section for details.
  • 1st - 8th June 2020: will NOT take place as scheduled due to the coronavirus.  Please check the Training section of this website for further information.  

  • 10th February 2020: Application deadline for Danielle de St Jorre Scholarship for women from Small Island Developing States wanting to attend the 2020 training programme. See the Training section of this website for application details.

  • 5th January 2020: Application deadline for international applications for IOI-Canada's 40th Anniversary training programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management. For details, consult the Training section of this website.

  • 11th - 20th November 2019: Fifth China - ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies (NISCSS), Haikou, Hainan, China. IOI-Canada collaborated on this course with NISCSS and the China - Southeast Asia Research Centre on the South China Sea.

  • 10th November 2015: Launch of the World Ocean Review (WOR) 6: The Arctic and Antarctic – Extreme, Climatically Crucial and In Crisis, initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, President of IOI and Managing Director of maribus gGmbH. To download a free copy of this illustrated report and of previous issues, go to the WOR website (www.worldoceanreview.com/en).

  • 7th June 2019: EMB Ocean Lecture. The "Blue Revolution": Challenges and Opportunities with keynote speaker: Ms Renée Sauvé, Acting Director General, External Relations Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans Canada discussing Canada's recent experience of the "Blue Revolution". Responses provided by panel members: Dr Ratana Chuenpagdee, Too Big To Ignore Partnership, MUN, Dr Susanna Fuller, Oceans North, and Ms Sigrid Kuehnemund, WWF-Canada, moderated by Dr Sean Brillant, Canadian Wildlife Federation. VIDEO RECORDING of the event available here, kindly supplied by Nexus Media.

  • 22nd May - 19th July 2019: IOI-Canada's 39th annual training programme on Ocean Governance: Policy, Law and Management at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Check the Training section of this website for further information.

  • 23rd April 2019: Open Access provided for The Future of Ocean Governance and Capacity Development, thanks to several generous donors. For free downloads, go to the book's page on the Brill website.

  • Late 2018: doctoral thesis by Tirza Meyer on Elisabeth Mann Borgese - Deep Ideology. For abstract and free download, go to the NTNU Open website.

  • 1st November 2018: Public Panel Discussion and Book Launch for THE FUTURE OF OCEAN GOVERNANCE AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT - Essays in Honour of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002).  Moderated by CBC journalist Paul Withers, the panel consisted of: Tony Charles, Environmental Science Department, Saint Mary’s University; Lucia Fanning, Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University; David VanderZwaag, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University; Wendy Watson-Wright, Ocean Frontier Institute; Boris Worm, Biology Department, Dalhousie University.  University Hall, Macdonald Building. Watch a video recording of the event here. The book is now freely available through open access via the Brill website.

  • 4th October 2018 at 7.00: EMB Centenary Lecture Series. Public lecture on Governing Ocean Plastics: Between Action and Anarchy with guest speaker Dr Jan-Stefan Fritz, University of Bremen, Germany, and German Marine Research Consortium, Belgium. Ondaatje Theatre, Marion McCain Building. This lecture was presented in conjunction with Dalhousie University's College of Sustainability as part of their ESS Lecture Series.

  • October 2018: Publication of THE FUTURE OF OCEAN GOVERNANCE AND CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT - Essays in Honour of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002), edited by IOI-Canada. For publication information, check the Brill web page for the book.

  • 21st September 2018 at 3.30: EMB Centenary Lecture Series. Public lecture on Peaceful Oceans? The Role of International Dispute Settlement in Ocean Governance with guest speaker Dr Nele Matz-Luck, Walther Schucking Institute for International Law, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Germany.  

  • 8th June 2018 (7.00 p.m.): EMB Ocean Lecture. Public panel discussion on Peace and Equity in Ocean Governance: Possibility or Pipe Dream? with Vice-Admiral (ret'd) Glenn V. Davidson, Dr Susanna Fuller and Hugh Williamson. 

  • 7th June 2018: Elisabeth Mann Borgese featured as the Ocean's Week Dalhousie Original. For details, see her Dalhousie Originals profile page and video.

  • 24th April 2018: 100th anniversary of birth of Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Founder of IOI. For centenary events see see EMB @ 100: Marking the Centenary.

  • March onwards: Ocean Yearbook Online Access. Ocean Yearbook is now part of a new Research4Life programme providing online access to academic legal content in developing economy countries. Researchers, librarians, policy-makers, judges and legal experts from more than 115 low- and middle-income countries will receive free or low-cost online access to law and law-related academic and professional peer-reviewed content through their institutions. Access is provided by a new program, Global Online Access to Legal Information (GOALI), a multi-stakeholder initiative of the Research4Life partnership. Additional details are available online at Research4Life, including information on eligibility and how to register.

  • 17th November 2017: Launch of the World Ocean Review (WOR) 5: Coasts - A Vital Habitat Under Pressure, initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, President of IOI and Managing Director of maribus gGmbH. To download a free copy of this illustrated report and of previous issues, go to the WOR website (www.worldoceanreview.com/en).

  • 16th June 2017: Official opening (7.00-9.00 pm) of Great Women of the Ocean, Earth, and Sky: A Portrait Exhibit by Jo Napier, featuring Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Exhibition ran from 15th -30th June at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 6016 University Avenue. See the artist's website for details.

  • 20th September 2016: IOI-Canada presentation to the Association of Former Parliamentarians during their visit to Dalhousie University.

  • 25th - 31st January 2016: Inaugural China - ASEAN Academy on Ocean Law and Governance held at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, Haikou, Hainan, China. A team from IOI-Canada helped deliver this interdisciplinary course which was attended by 34 participants from 10 countries in the region.

  • 16th November 2015: Delegation from National Institute of South China Sea Studies, led by Dr Wu Shicun visited IOI-Canada, resulting in signing of new MOU between the two institutes.

  • 10th November 2015: Launch of the World Ocean Review (WOR) 4: Sustainable Use of Our Oceans - Making Ideas Work, initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, President of IOI and Managing Director of maribus gGmbH. To download a free copy of this illustrated report and of previous issues, go to the WOR website (www.worldoceanreview.com/en).

  • 15th, 17th & 18th June 2014: Halifax's fifth annual Oceans Film Festival. Free film screenings and discussions at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, 1675 Lower Water Street. Check our Film Festival page for details.

  • 15th January 2014: Public Lecture on The Common Heritage of Mankind and the Law of the Sea: the legacy and the future with guest speaker, Prue Taylor, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand. An initiative of the Marine & Environmental Law Institute, in co-operation with IOI.

  • 3rd - 8th September 2013: Pacem in Maribus XXXIV - Sustainable Governance of the Ocean, Bangkok, Thailand as the latest in the series of PIM conferences. This forum included a special initiative for youth (16-25) -- see The Ocean We Want (facebook) for details. More information is also available by e-mailing IOI Headquarters.

  • 6th March - 2nd June 2013: Elisabeth Mann Borgese exhibition at the Literaturhaus Munchen in Germany.

  • 17th June - 28th October 2012: Exhibition on Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the Drama of the Oceans at Buddenbrookhaus, Lubeck, Germany in conjunction with a major new publication on her life and work.

  • 8th February 2012:Celebrations of IOI's 40th Anniversary, and Commemoration of 10th Anniversary of Elisabeth Mann Borgese's death. See IOInforma for a summary of events at headquarters and a commemorative article by EMB researcher and former IOI lecturer, Betsy Baker.

  • January 2012: Museum researchers from Germany visit IOI-Canada and the Dalhousie Archives in preparation for EMB exhibition and publication in Lubeck. For information, see article on Elisabeth Mann Borgese Collection Gains International Recognition.

  • 15th February 2011: IOI-Canada moves. Due to preparations for a new university residence, the IOI offices have now moved within the Dalhousie campus to 6414 Coburg Road.  For full postal address and online map, see the Contacts page of this website.

  • 2nd - 4th September 2010: Pacem in Maribus XXXIII Conference on Oceans, Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Challenges to Oceans and Coastal Cities, Beijing, China, as part of the IOI series of PIM conferences. Check the the IOI Headquarters website for further information.

  • 17th - 21st May 2010: IOI Training Module on Law of the Sea and Principled Ocean Governance held in Barbados at Cave Hill, University of West Indies. This was conducted by the Caribbean Law Institute Centre in association with CERMES, IOI-Canada, and Dalhousie University's Marine Affairs Programme and Marine & Environmental Law Institute. Further information is available on the CLIC website.

  • April 2010: Launch of The World Ocean Review 2010, initiated by Nikolaus Gelpke, Vice President of IOI. To download a free copy of this illustrated, 240-page report, go to the WOR website.

  • March 2009: Publication of Kathy Mac's The Hundefraulein Papers, a collection of poems based on the author's experience as Elisabeth Mann Borgese's dog-sitter. Details are available on the publisher's website.

Last updated: 3rd March 2025